Add a Magnetic Snap Closure

Like one of my bags, but need that little extra something? Could that something be a magnetic snap closure? Well, now you can have it! 
You can also choose the hardware finish of the mag snap; gold or silver. 

This listing is to add on a magnetic snap to any of the following bags (if you had another style in mind, please message me first to see if it is possible):
-Everyday tote (w/ or w/o pocket)
-Small Everyday Tote (w/ or w/o pocket)
-Abbie Bucket
-Frankie Tote

I usually stitch a small leather tab with the magnetic snap into the bag with a small triangle stitch (as seen in the first photo). If you would prefer just a straight stitch across the top (about 2" long), let me know. 

Just add this listing to your cart, along with the bag you wish to purchase, and I'll know to add a magnetic snap to your bag.

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